During 13rd Art Biennial of Havana in Taller Chullima, 2019

From Havana, I would only change the gardens. This is the idea proposed by the architect Alberto Kalach in collaboration with Infraestudio, through a series of searches and provocations for the city.

The Project of Gardens that do not exist is a collection of mira-das vacuum. But a look charged with intentionality.

A series of conversations, visits, drawings and Collages; of those places that could be intervened.

The “Gardens that do not exist” installation is a 12x1m Landscape made of Zeolite, Stones and physical Parts of the project itself converted into objects.

These fragments, already decontextualized from their initial function, make up a new garden.
During the duration of the 13th Habana´s Biennial the form will change, new information will be added, the objects will change place, the dunes will be transformed. A garden in movement made of fictions.

A garden, rather than a group of plants on the ground, is a gesture of artificial and voluntary placement of elements in space.

Then a garden is a landscape.

A garden that does not exist should contain, as Barragán reminds us: “Nothing less than the entire universe.”
By Anadis González and Fernando Martirena